Depository Safe Burglary

May 18, 2022

A skilled organized crime group (OCG) specializing in depository safe burglary struck at city's industrial and mining plants depository safes. Stunning number of 63 burglary cases with $250,000 total worth of damage placed great pressure on local police. The challenges detectives faced included high number of similar cases, which caused difficulty in determining the scope of investigation. The perpetrators did not use cell phones, covered their faces, wore gloves, shoe bags and intentionally damaged video surveillance. OCG structure was complex, making it difficult to determine who is who in their organization. Overall these were hardened criminals, which left little advantage to detectives. However, combining video surveillance and shoeprints left at crime scene helped make the first breakthrough. Although perpetrators wore caps, gloves, et cetera they did leave shoeprints. After careful analysis it became apparent that 3 perpetrators were involved within a larger group. Using EverASM case linking function, the detectives were able to determine the scope of investigation, OCG organization and their characteristics. Drawing on the relationship between 47 cases with 75 captured shoeprints, the complex relationship gradually became clearer. The criminals shoeprints helped connect these cases. As a result, linked shoeprints helped detectives during interrogation and 10 criminals of the leading OCG were arrested and duly charged.